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KidRec 2025

7th International and Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Children & Recommender and Information Retrieval Systems (KidRec)
Smarter Recommendations & Better Search for Kids: Using the power of Artificial Intelligence and Social Networks (KidRec 7)

June 23, 2025
Co-located with ACM Interaction Design and Children (IDC) Conference 2025 - Reykjavík, Iceland



Over the past six editions, the Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Children & Recommender and Information Retrieval Systems Workshop (KidRec) has been a space (first at ACM RecSys and then at ACM IDC) to bring together researchers, developers, practitioners and policymakers to share best practices and insights on creating trustworthy recommendation and search experiences for young users. The community we have built along the way has focused on exploring the design, development, and assessment of Information Retrieval Systems (IRS) that have children as the main stakeholders and actors. Together, we have also explored the ethics, policy, and other related aspects, seeking to ensure that they are designed to be child-centred, transparent, and responsible.

However, we have seen that children increasingly interact with artificial intelligence (AI)-driven search and recommendation systems, shaping their access to information, entertainment, and learning. More so, the go-to source for information access seems to be shifting to Social Networks (SN) which influence the type of resources children can seek for or are exposed to as a result of the recommender systems on these platforms. With that in mind, we propose the 7th edition of Kidrec to focus on the positive impact of SN and AI on IRS while keeping child involvement in the design process and ethical considerations in IRS for children at its core as in previous editions. By bridging research and practice, KidRec fosters a broader dialogue on the responsible development of AI-powered search and recommendation technologies that empower and protect young users.

Some relevant questions to the topic include:

  • How can children be engaged not just as users but as co-designers of search and recommendation algorithms in this AI and SN world?
  • How can AI tools support and scaffold children's learning without infringing upon or replacing their learning process?
  • How can social networks serve as valuable information resources for children, rather than being excluded due to concerns about validity and trustworthiness?
  • How can AI balance personalization with diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), transparency, and fairness in recommendations?
  • How can search on social networks ensure safety and privacy while also upholding DEI, transparency, and fairness?


We welcome all IDC participants who are interested in joining the conversation!



Circus tent

Monica Landoni
Universita della Svizzera Italiana, Switzerland

Circus tent

Emiliana Murgia
Universita degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Italy

Circus tent

Theo Huibers
University of Twente, The Netherlands

Circus tent

Jerry Alan Fails
Boise State University

Important Dates

Paper submission deadline (position and work-in-progress) April 15, 2025 (extended deadline)
Notification to authors May 1st, 2025
Expression of interest in participating (via interest form, but no paper submission) May 1st, 2025
Camera-Ready Version May 28, 2025
IDC Conference June 23-26, 2025
KidRec Workshop June 23, 2025


Submit your work

We invite submissions of:

  • Position papers or Work-in-progress (3-6 pages) focusing on open challenges related to search and recommendation systems for children; in particular in the COVID-19 era.

All papers will be peer-reviewed, and at the time of submission, must not be under review in any other venue. 

All submitted papers must:

Authors will retain the copyright of their submission, however, proceedings will be publicly posted on the Workshop website 

Share your ideas

You can also express your interest in participating in the workshop (without submitting a position paper) by completing this interest form; which will ask you to briefly articulate your perspectives and interest in the workshop topic.


At least one author of each accepted paper must register and attend the workshop and main conference. Those expressing interest in joining the conversation should also register.