Have you been teaching children how to seek for information online, either formally as a teacher in the classroom or as a parent at home to assist them with their school activities? Have you wondered how effective you have been in doing it? Whether you were using the right technology? How good is the available technology in supporting children in their education related information-seeking tasks? How to assess the resulting information-seeking experience?
Even though information retrieval tools are frequently used by children, they do not always provide good results and experiences for children. Identifying what is good for children when using these tools at school is challenging! Please join us for the highly interactive 5𝑡ℎ KidRec Workshop in conjunction with Interaction Design and Children (IDC 2021) where you can share your experience and thoughts regarding information retrieval tools for children design,research, and practice and contribute to the ongoing research agenda in this area. This year, we are interested in advancing discussion by understanding teachers’ perception of what is good when it comes to information retrieval tools supporting classroom instruction.
You can express your interest in participating in the workshop by completing this interest form.
We are investigating ways to provide some financial support particularly for teachers of children ages (6-12) to participate. Please feel free to reach out to the kidrec-group@boisestate.edu with questions.